Supplement to Newsletter. Issue 2003-32. August. 08, 2003
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Why is NSSF promoting racial discrimination?
By: VALERIE R. NUNES, Nairobi.
Source : Daily Nation, Thursday, August 7, 2003

Recently, I went to register as a member of the National Social Security Fund at the Nairobi office but was told that I was an alien by tribe because I do not belong to one of the country's 42 ethnic groups.
I am a Kenyan of Goan origin. If the NSSF has decided to discriminate against some people because they do not come from an ethnic group, then I really feel sorry for them. It would mean, therefore, that only those from the 42 communities should contribute to the NSSF.

I also like to point out that a lot of Goans lived in Kenya even before the NSSF system was introduced. Would they also be discriminated against now? We, too, have our rights in this country. We have played critical roles in the social, economic and political evolution. We all know of what people like Pio Pinto, a Goan, did in the struggle for independence.

I will not agree to be called an alien. I will not except an alien NSSF card. And I will not change my tribe to suit NSSF. I was born in Kenya, schooled here and spent most of my life here. I have a Kenyan ID card and vote in Kenya. Yet I am now being told that I am an alien.

If the NSSF has decided that only 42 tribes are to be in Kenyan, what will happen to the rest of the people who live in this country? Why is there tribalism in a Government office supposed to take all people as one and not divide them? What do they mean by saying that because one is not on the list of 42-tribes, one is an alien?

Will they show this list to the public? When NSSF said that everyone working should contribute to the system did it forget to inform us that one's tribe is important for registering. Nor did they inform us that there was a selected list of tribes who were eligible for registration.

This is an abuse and an insult to me and my community. I was born a Goan and I will die a Goan. But I was also born a Kenyan and will die a Kenyan. I cannot change these facts because the NSSF wants me to do so!

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